It feels so sad to share an hot beverage recipe in spring time and it happened so because of the drastic change in climate and hence prepared it and relished it to match up with the climate.
Hot chocolate is a super easy and quick hot beverage that can be easily prepared in microwave in 2 to 3 minutes with just 4 to 5 ingredients. Hot chocolate involves mixing hot milk with chocolate shavings, cocoa powder and sugar along with any topping like cream, chocolate scrapings, marshmallow and so on according to your taste and preference. The below mentioned cocoa powder and sugar quantity is according to my taste and it can be altered accordingly. So lets get to the making!
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- Milk- 1 cup
- Cocoa powder- 2 tsp
- Chocolate shavings – 1 tsp (Optional)
- Sugar – 2 tsp
- Vanilla syrup- ¼ tsp
- Marshmallow – 2 (for décor)
* 1 cup = 160 ml
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How to make hot chocolate with step by step images

- In a microwave safe cup add milk and microwave it on high for 2 minutes or until it boils. When the milk starts boiling remove it from the microwave.
- Now to the boiled milk add cocoa powder, vanilla syrup and sugar. Mix well using a spoon. Microwave for 30 seconds.
- Now place a strainer over a cup and pour hot chocolate mixture in order to get rid of any chocolate lumps. Serve it hot with marshmallow as topping!