Chocolate syrup is a chocolate flavored brown colored thick sauce used as topping for many desserts, pastries or can be blended or mixed with milk to create rich and yummy milkshakes. Homemade chocolate syrup is very easy to make as it made just 5 ingredients and in 5 minutes. Yes sounds simple right! That’s why I like to prepare my own chocolate syrup as it is super simple to make and also we already know what gets in its making. I will say 5 minutes spent is worth spending than wasting the whole bottle of chocolate syrup if you don’t use it often, because that tends to happen with me. So lets get to the making of chocolate syrup!
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- Water – ¼ cup
- Unsweetened Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp
- Sugar – 1 tbsp
- Salt – a pinch
- Vanilla syrup – 1 tsp

* 1 cup = 160 ml
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How to make Chocolate syrup with step by step images

- In a pan add water, sugar and cocoa powder. Mix well in a way that it does not form any lumps. Allow the mixture to boil in medium flame.
- When the mixture starts to thicken add salt and put off the flame. Allow the mixture to cool down. When the mixture has cooked down completely add vanilla syrup and stir it well. Now the chocolate syrup is ready to be used as garnish for ice cream, any dessert or in milkshake!