Phulka is a super soft puffed roti made with wheat flour on direct flame/ roti grill/ roti jari. Phulka/ roti can be served with any curry / gravy to make the meal a delicious one. People usually think making phulka/ roti is tough and involves a technique to achieve it right which is completely false as it can be achieved without much effort and work I should say. It just involves 1 important thing to get it right, that is to knead a soft and non sticky dough. For the making of this phulka/ roti I used roti jari/ roti since I own a electric burner range but if you have a gas stove you don’t need roti grill as you can place the roti to puff up directly on high flame on the burner. How older I grow I still jump in my kitchen, call my hubby to show how well the roti puffed up, that 1 minute party is priceless moment for a cook I say! I have added a beginner note at the end of the making which I think will be helpful for beginners! Roti grill/ roti jari can be purchase at any Indian store. So lets get to the making of puffy phulka!
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- Wheat flour/ Atta – 2 cups
- Water – ¾ cup
- Salt – to taste
- Oil – 1 tbsp
- Ghee/ Oil/ Butter – required amount (to apply on roti after cooking)
* 1 cup = 160 ml

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How to make phulka with step by step images

- In a wide bowl add wheat flour, oil and salt. Mix well.
- Add water gradually to form knead a soft dough. I used around ¾ cup water to knead the dough, if you feel your dough needs little extra water you can add but the end result needs to be a soft and non sticky dough. Kneading soft dough is very important as it yields in super soft phulka/ Roti. Keep the dough aside for 15 to 20 minutes covered.
- Now pinch a small portion of dough and roll it into thin and medium sized chapati. Roll it thin and evenly helps the roti/ phulka to puff up easily. Roll out all the dough into equal sized roti/ phulka and keep it aside.
- Now heat tawa in one side/ burner and the roti jari/ roti grill on the other side. Heat both tawa and roti jari/ roti grill well. If you have gas stove you can just keep the on high flame directly on burner after cooking roti on tawa, since I have gas stove at home I used roti jari/ roti grill which needs to be heated.
- Now place the rolled roti on preheated tawa. Cook without any oil. When you see brown spots on one side flip it gently. Now you need to really quick and judge correctly. When you find brown spots on the other side too remove the roti from tawa and place it gently either on direct flame on gas stove or heated roti grill in high flame remember only high flame.
- The phulka/ roti will puff up immediately and as soon as you see it puffed remove it fast and transfer it to a plate. If you fail to remove it as soon as they puff they will burn yielding in bitter and crispy roti which we don’t want. Now as soon as you transfer it to a plate apply few drops of ghee/ oil/ butter to help it remain soft. Serve it hot with any curry of your choice!
Beginner note:
- Make sure to add water gradually to knead the dough. The dough needs to be non- sticky and soft.
- Allow the dough to rest for atleast 15 minutes.
- Roll the roti dough just thin and evenly to help it puff.
- Do not over cook roti tawa, remove it as soon as you find brown spots.
- Remember to keep the flame on high when using direct flame method/ roti grill as low or medium flame will not puff the roti.
- Remove the roti immediately as they puff to maintain its softness and also to avoid burning.
- Remember to apply ghee after transferring the roti to plate helping it to remain soft.