Rava rotti/ Sajjige rotti/ Sooji rotti hailing from Karnataka is a very easy and quick to make breakfast/ dinner recipe which can be relished just like that without any side accompany or just with any chutney or pickle. Rava rotti is a flavorful recipe that is yummy to eat and also a instant recipe which requires no grinding or fermentation process making it easy for anyone to prepare in a very short time that too with simple ingredients that is always available in our pantry. So lets get to the making!
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- Rava/ Sooji – 1 cup
- Curd – ¼ cup
- Grated carrot – 2 tbsp
- Chopped onion – ¼ cup
- Chopped Green chilli – 2
- Chopped Ginger – ¼ tsp
- Chopped cilantro – 2 tbsp
- Grated coconut – 1 tsp
- Salt – taste
- Oil – to make rotti
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How to make rava rotti with step by step images

- In a wide bowl add rava, curd, finely chopped onion, grated carrot, grated coconut, chopped ginger, green chilli, cilantro and salt.
- Mix well to form a soft dough. ( You can add little extra curd while making the dough) Allow the dough to rest for 15 to 20 minutes.
- After 20 minutes pinch a medium sized portion of dough and place it on a ziploc cover or any cover. Wet your hands with little water and flatten the dough using fingers into round rotti of any size of your choice.
- Heat a tawa. Now gently remove the flattened rotti dough from the ziploc cover and place it on preheated tawa gently. Drizzle some oil around the rotti and cook in medium flame till you notice brown spots on one side.
- Now flip it gently and cook the other side till done. Now transfer the cooked rotti to a plate and serve it with chutney or pickle! Repeat the whole process till you finish the whole dough.